Concept Map

     This week a lot of good things happened when I went to Mrs. Astons' class.
I have been starting to learn names of the students and I've been more aware at realizing/noticing certain concepts that we've learned and been talking about in class, noticing how Mrs. Aston incorporates all those things.
     One example is that the students just started learning about Data on Thursday, so we had an M&M graph where I filled little baggies with M&M's. About 18, and all different colors, so they would then put them on the paper sorted by color and they would compare based on if they had more, or fewer blue M&M's compared to red, or green, or yellow, etc. Once they sorted, colored and eaten all their M&M's Mrs. Aston then asked if someone could tell her a comparison using first using the word "more" and then "fewer". She turned on the projector and used her iPad to look at the students who volunteered paper so that everyone could see on the board and I thought that that made a great use of technology and showing examples form different students paper. They first got shown how to do it by Mrs. Aston, then they did it using their own M&M's, and are now looking at other students examples to further practice but they were having a lot of fun with this assignment. I really liked it and would definitely try to incorporate a lesson similar to this one!
     A fun thing that Mrs. Aston does in her classroom is that everyday she has 1 student bring something to share in class, not food or treats. But maybe share a special talent or a favorite thing/book and that student will show the whole class and talk about it for a little bit, it's very short and doesn't need to be a huge thing. Brooklyn brought a book called "The book with no pictures", I actually got to read this book to the class! I was a little nervous, but it was honestly a lot of fun, the students were engaged and really excited for me to read this book because I have actually never read this book before! At this age the kids aren't afraid or worried about judgement and possible rejection so much as when they start to get older.
     I talked to Mrs. Aston while the students went to their second recess about how much they participate and how surprised I was to see that. She expressed that that was one of the biggest things she wanted to accomplish with her class, she wants them to get used to speaking in front of each other and not be afraid to be wrong, that it's okay and we all support each other because we are in a safe environment. It was one of the first things she started to work on, setting that routine and expectation for everyone to get used to presenting about something they love and sharing it with the class. I really like that and thing it is very effective. When they present/perform these they all sit on the floor in front of an easel on the side of the room so it's not as daunting if everyone were still in their seats and you're in front of the room. It's a little more intimate I think. They stand right by Mrs. Aston too, so they're not "alone" in a sense.
     When I was in Elementary I was very shy, I would never raise my hand to participate and wouldn't come out of my shell until the very end of the year when school would end and then I would have to start all over again. I want to do my very best to not let my students to do, to be afraid. I don't want to push them too far by any means, but to encourage and show that putting yourself out there is okay, it is a good thing and we will always accept them.
     Another activity they did was do rotations and we went up to the Library. Each first grade class has different color groups so all the blue groups went up the library with Mrs. Aston because it was her day to take Blue group to the library. I remember going to the library and always having fun, but there was one time in 2nd grade when I had a friend named Saphire, she knew I was afraid of spiders so she got one and scared me with it so bad I screamed. I got in trouble because of it, so that wasn't fun. But same as when I was in Elementary we listened to the Librarian read us a few books, one with the bee hive award, something or other and then vote on which one we liked better. Then everyone got to look around and check out a book, using the book markers so that you don't forget where you got the book from in case you change your mind. There was one student from another class that was such a trouble maker, she was pulling a fit because she didn't want to go to the library and couldn't check out another book because she hadn't returned the one she already has checked out. So it's good to see and be reminded that you won't always get kids who know how to behave at school and will be a little difficult to handle at times. Mrs. Aston has a few students that are in la la land at times, but no one that intentionally causes trouble and likes to be difficult.
